Submit Immunization Record, Forms or Outside Medical Records

Please use the form below to send your immunization or consent form information, or outside medical records and images. The record you are submitting for compliance must show your full name and date of birth.

University of Arizona policy requires that all students born after 12/31/56 meet the following immunization requirements for Measles (Rubeola), Mumps and Rubella:

  1. Proof of two (2) MMR immunizations or a lab test that shows immunity to Measles (Rubeola), Mumps and Rubella.
    (Rubeola = Hard measles/10 day measles; Rubella = 3 day measles/German measles.)
  2. At least one of the MMR shots must have been given after 1979.
  3. The immunization requirement is waived if you were born before January 1, 1957.

To verify your registration hold has been released, you may check your Next Steps page and/or check your University of Arizona e-mail account for a confirmation e-mail sent 24 to 48 hours after submission.

Your immunization record may also be faxed to 520-621-9471 or mailed to:

University of Arizona
Campus Health Service
Medical Records
PO Box 210095
Tucson, AZ 85721-0095

If you have questions regarding your immunization record, please call Medical Records at (520) 621-2384

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Name: (required)

Student ID: Date of Birth: (required - mm/dd/yyyy)

Contact email: (required)

Check here if you are a College of Medicine or Pharmacy student
Check here if you are uploading a Consent Form (not an immunization record)

Note: Image/Document upload size limit of 6 megabytes
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